Company Profile

The-Enablers is a Platform designed to facilitate Employees/Professionals in reaching out to the neutral industry experts for getting “EXPERT ADVICE” on the real life work-situations.Various challenging Work-Situations are usually tackled by professionals either without prior experience, or within the purview of their own limited experience and cannot be discussed inside the company with HR/others for fears of being misunderstood or being judged. These difficult situations, when added together overtime, decide on the person’s success and longevity in the company. As a Professional, you can now reach out to Industry Experts and get a more informed view on these situations – how to interpret them and also, how to best tackle them to your /your company’s advantage.

With The-Enablers, you can now avail Coaching sessions with Professional Coaches.

The-Enablers gives the Employees an opportunity to create their own digital work experience record through “My Story Book”. This record book will revolutionize the way you keep memory of your experience at work. The-Enablers will help you shape up your journey in the most memorable fashion using Artificial Intelligence and Expert’s help.

The-Enablers helps Companies in having a real time pulse of their employees in absolute terms on the impact parameters of how Employees FEEL and what kind of challenges they are facing. The-Enablers also gives the Management a clear view of where the Company stands versus rest of the Industry / Competition on these exact issues.