For Professionals / Employees

Expert Advice

As professionals, on a day today basis, we are faced with various challenging situations. These situations are of varied nature right from being personal, behavioral to even being technical or technical in nature. A lot of these situations are also concerning the basic human dynamics where in we are working with others and that leads to a lot of complex scenarios. Most people deal with these situations basis their own experience & learning. Many keep facing-tackling them till they get in a totally difficult spot when they start looking to change their job.

With The-Enablers being on your side, you don’t really need to change the job just to get out of the current one. You can make the existing job a real stepping stone towards long term success – both personally as well as professionally.

The-Enablers gives you the vast pool of expertise-experience coming from Industry Experts/Senior Professionals/Professional Coaches to seek advise from. Even when you want to engage with a Professional Coach for one-o-one long term Coaching, The-Enablers will help you with that.

My Storybook

My Storybook is a first time ever created product to help you create your own repository of workplace incidents, learnings, challenges and experience. This repository will be at your disposal at any point in time even if you change role/jobs. You can create repository of even past work and start building records on a real time basis from now on. Choose your convenience of creating records and leverage on the platform.

Want to share your stories in the form of Blogs with friends, colleagues and relatives? Why go on multiple platforms to write different stories? Create your story on The-Enablers platform and share it on all your social media accounts from here only.

  • Raise queries in Get Expert Guidance section to reach out to Industry Experts/Professional Coaches
  • Have a neutral industry expert to answer your queries on Work, Workplace & Career related situations
  • ‘Unlimited’ learning pool of neutral industry Experts to take advantage from
  • Get an Enabler (Coach/Guide/Industry expert) of your choice to advise you
  • Keep an ETERNAL record of your Professional life by using My Story Book. Your story continues even when you switch jobs!
  • Never miss the record of your day-today Success & Challenges. You can always refer to them for Learning & Sharing with My Story Book
  • Share your stories on Social Media directly from The-Enablers platform
  • Coaching Sessions with Certified - Professional Coaches as you choose from the The-Enablers

When you use The-Enablers platform to get the Expert Guidance or writing your Storybook, no data entered by you will ever be shared with any third party – including your current Company management.