Organizations and people at large, work & define ‘SUCCESS’ on the principle of “Competitive Achievement” that puts them against each other and not with each other.
It has its advantage only when it inspires us for excellence. We, however, usually compete with others and not with our earlier best. Many a times, this classical ‘competition’ ends up being unhealthy, either in its process or its out come. As we have all seen and history proves it too, the ‘victorious’ are always a rare few and most people end up with the feeling of being at the losing end. The ‘victorious’ as well go through their periods of prolonged stress to reach there.
The-Enablers is looking to change this paradigm and make Collaborative Achievement the real definition of SUCCESS over Competitive Achievement.
As Professionals working across industries, geographies and diverse disciplines, we all face various situations that shape our careers and influence us at a very individual personal level. We go by the ‘hunch’ or the first instinctive reaction in such situations. Even if we go with a well thought out response, there’s no guarantee that we have exhausted all possible options and chosen the best one yet. It is in these situations at times that it is recommended to be able to have someone to share these situations with and seek guidance from. People who have been in similar situations and have either come out victorious or have learnt the valuable lessons from failures too. Either-ways, such discussions with experienced & expert people certainly broadens the horizon of our thinking, reveals newer perspectives and adds that necessary bit of consciousness into our decision making and response to various situations.
On The-Enablers platform, we are facilitating this bit of extra consciousness, guidance and wisdom for all the professionals through simple principle of Collaboration & Togetherness. As a Professional, you can reach out to neutral industry experts, share your queries and seek necessary guidance on how you can approach things differently and with greater & far more informed wisdom – owing to their experience & expertise.
The-Enablers also gives you an opportunity to help others with your experience and expertise by being a neutral industry expert for others who are yet to reach your level of professional success and gain as much of experience - expertise.
When you join The-Enablers, you can leverage the platform as both – guidance seeking Professional and a guidance providing Industry Expert.
If you are a Professional Certified Coach on the platform, you can be of immense value to the Professionals seeking professional counsel and have so far hesitated to make the effort and reach out for help.
With The-Enablers, you know that your employee issues are not pushed under the carpet and are being ably tackled with a vast pool of industry experts/Professional Coaches that also give your organization & its professionals a much required Outside-in perspective. You also get bird’s eye view of the kind of issues your people are facing and how do these matters stand in comparison with the larger market / industry. From ‘not knowing what you don’t know’ TO ‘knowing and being able to act on it’ is a much sought after transition for all Business teams.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.